
Catering at Blue Lights Season 2 Shoot

Film shoot BelfastBlue Lights Cast Member Calls Born & Raised Waffles

Recently, Born & Raised Waffles received an exciting phone call inquiry about our waffle truck’s availability for a film shoot treat. Engaging in a delightful conversation, I may have rambled a bit (blame it on my enthusiasm!). After our chat, I extended the invitation to confirm the booking through our website, www.bornandraisedwaffles.com.

To my pleasant surprise, a confirmation email swiftly arrived, and as I scanned the name, Siân Brooke, a familiar ring resonated in my mind. A swift online search revealed that Siân portrays Grace in my beloved television series, Blue Lights, made by Two Cities TV.

Blue Lights

Set against the backdrop of Belfast, the gripping drama ‘Blue Lights‘ follows the journey of new police recruits—Grace, Annie, and Tommy—as they navigate the complexities of a high-pressure environment. Grace, a former social worker, transitions careers in her forties, while Annie faces the challenge of leaving her past behind. Meanwhile, Tommy grapples with the demands of frontline duty. Together, they confront divided communities, criminal networks, and wrestle with questions of trust, all while pondering their choice to join the PSNI.

Siân and her dedicated colleagues from Two Cites TV were nearing the end of Season 2 filming for Blue Lights, extending gratitude to the tireless crew for their dedication.

Waffle Treats

On the memorable date of Friday, November 24th, 2023, my daughter Anna and I arrived on the bustling set in Belfast. Guided by a helpful team member from the locations department, we swiftly parked our waffle truck in the designated spot.

As the aroma of caramelized sugar wafted from our Liége Waffles, the cast and crew began to take notice. Word swiftly spread that ‘The Waffleman’ had arrived on site, and soon, a steady stream of eager individuals flocked to savour our delicious treats.

Inquisitive by nature, I often inquire about the roles of those on set (perhaps a tad nosy, but it sparks interesting conversations!). Meeting one gentleman, I curiously asked, “What do you do here?” His humble response, “Oh, I’m the writer,” came from none other than Declan Lawn, the talented individual behind the series I deeply admire.

Shortly after, Siân, embodying her character Grace, accompanied by Martin McCann, who portrays Steve in Blue Lights, approached us. Both expressed their enthusiasm to support and promote my business, eagerly jumping into the waffle truck (Martin, especially excited about the prospect of indulging in our delicious waffles—understandably so!).

In an unexpected yet delightful moment, Katherine Devlin & Nathan Braniff squeezed into our converted horse trailer, fully adorned in police riot gear. Maneuvering through the trailer’s door (which, mind you, is quite petite!), they may have momentarily anticipated a barrage of waffles in their direction (well, who wouldn’t?).

Catering at film shoots is always bustling, and this day was no exception. Amidst the whirlwind, the actors, writers, producers, and crew graciously took a moment to connect and extend greetings—a gesture not always common in the industry.

I express heartfelt gratitude to Siân Brooke for personally arranging our presence; her warmth and kindness extend to the entire team.

The anticipation builds as I eagerly await the release of Season 2 of Blue Lights—a series that not only captivates audiences but also brings forth genuine connections and delightful moments like these. Here’s to more waffle-filled adventures and memorable encounters!

Hire Us We’re Delicious www.bornandraisedwaffles.com

Unveiling the Delicious Secrets of Liege Waffles

Liege waffles

Waffles, with their crispy exteriors and soft, fluffy interiors, are a beloved breakfast staple worldwide. But not all waffles are created equal, and one variety stands out with a unique charm: the Liege waffle. Originating from the city of Liège in eastern Belgium, these delectable treats are celebrated for their rich history and tantalizing taste. In this journey through the world of Liege waffles, we’ll delve into their fascinating facts and unravel the secrets behind their irresistible allure.

A Taste of History

The Liege waffle, often simply called a “sugar waffle,” has a history dating back to the 18th century. Its creation is credited to the skilled cooks of the Prince-Bishop of Liège, who crafted this indulgent treat for a fair in the city. Since then, it has grown to become a cherished delight, both in Belgium and beyond.

Distinctive Dough

What sets Liege waffles apart from their American or Brussels counterparts is the dough. Rather than a simple batter, Liege waffles are made from a rich, brioche-like dough. This dough contains yeast, which not only imparts a delightful, airy texture but also contributes to the characteristic taste of these waffles.

Pearls of Sugar

One of the defining features of a Liege waffle is the Belgian pearl sugar that is mixed into the dough. These sugar pearls are what create the sweet, caramelized pockets in the waffle. As the waffle cooks on a hot griddle, the sugar melts, creating a deliciously crunchy exterior and a caramelized, gooey inside.

Handcrafted Perfection

Authentic Liege waffles are often made by skilled artisans, who take great pride in handcrafting these exquisite treats. The process is a labour of love, with each dough ball carefully encasing the precious sugar pearls. The dough is left to rise, allowing the flavours to meld, and then it’s expertly baked to perfection.

The Delightful Irregularity

Liege waffles are known for their rustic, irregular shapes. Unlike their symmetrical Brussels counterparts, Liege waffles embrace their unique imperfections, which only add to their charm. Each bite is a delightful adventure, with varying textures and sweetness.

Elevated Toppings

While Liege waffles are perfect on their own, they become a canvas for creativity when it comes to toppings. Traditionalists appreciate a dusting of powdered sugar, while others may indulge in a cascade of chocolate, fruits, whipped cream, or even ice cream.

Liege Waffles Worldwide

The appeal of Liege waffles isn’t confined to Belgium. They have gained international recognition, thanks to their tantalizing taste and rich history. You can find Liege waffles in various parts of the world, often served at food festivals, fairs, and trendy dessert shops.

Food Truck Phenomenon

Food trucks have played a significant role in popularizing Liege waffles. The portability and delightful taste of these waffles make them an excellent choice for food trucks. Many food truck owners have embraced Liege waffles as a featured item on their menus, introducing them to new audiences.

Cultural Fusion

The versatility of Liege waffles extends to cultural fusion. They can be adapted to suit various tastes and traditions. For instance, you might find Liege waffles topped with churro-inspired flavors or given a local twist with regional ingredients.

Recipe for Home Cooks

If you’re a culinary enthusiast, trying your hand at making Liege waffles at home can be a delightful adventure. With readily available ingredients and a good waffle iron, you can craft these sweet masterpieces in your own kitchen. Just be prepared for the wonderful aroma that will fill your home!

Fairs, Festivals, and Beyond

Liege waffles are commonly associated with fairs and festivals, where they are a perennial favourite. Whether it’s a local street fair or a grand event, the aroma of Liege waffles wafting through the air is sure to draw a crowd.

A Gourmet Experience

In the world of culinary delights, Liege waffles are often considered a gourmet experience. From the moment you take your first bite, the contrast of textures, the explosion of flavour, and the sheer joy they bring create a dining experience like no other.

DIY Liege Waffles

The allure of Liege waffles doesn’t end with eating them. Some food enthusiasts take their passion a step further by creating their own artisanal Liege waffle businesses. These homemade, handcrafted treats provide a taste of authentic Belgian delight to their local communities.

Healthier Options

While Liege waffles are known for their indulgence, there’s room for a healthier twist. Some variations incorporate whole grains or alternative sweeteners, offering a more health-conscious choice without sacrificing flavour.

Liege Waffles and Your Taste Buds

The magic of Liege waffles lies in their ability to transport you to a world of sweet nostalgia and culinary wonder. Whether enjoyed plain or adorned with your favourite toppings, these delightful treats have an enduring charm that continues to captivate the taste buds of food enthusiasts around the globe.

In Conclusion

Liege waffles are more than a sweet indulgence; they’re a testament to culinary craftsmanship and the enduring legacy of a beloved Belgian tradition. Their rich history, distinctive ingredients, and irresistible flavours have made them a celebrated delight for all who savour their unique charm. So, the next time you bite into a warm, caramelized Liege waffle, savour it not just for its taste but for the centuries of culinary tradition it carries with every delicious morsel.

Book Born & Raised Waffles for Your Waffley Event www.bornandraisedwaffles.com